Monday, December 22, 2008


As of the last week or so I've had the idea of marriage stuck in my mind. I can't shake it. Rob and I swapped stories about our own parents and deduced neither of the couples were an example we'd hold ourselves to. Even so, I don't know that my parents falling short of standard is what averts me from the idea of being bound by law.

The hopeless romantic in me has always assumed that I'll know what to do when the time comes. I'd be ready to get hitched when I loved someone who thought the idea was just as ludicrous as I did.  We'd be hopelessly in love and marriage would just be a matter of formality-but so what. Now I'm not so sure.

Bearing in mind how excited I am with Jenelle, I'm convinced more and more that the most beautiful part of our relationship is that we're not bound by anything other than attraction. In considering that human emotion is completely transient, to understand that someone is right beside you when they could be anywhere with anyone else is perhaps the most romantic feeling I've ever had. Trusting someone to do as they please, despite the pretenses in  love or marriage is a precious certainty. 

Ten years into a relationship I'd rather look at my partner and know that we've shared time together out of shear attraction than realize they had loved me at a time and we'd been married ten years.


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