Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Official Brohemia Calendar

Hey guys I made us a calendar that everyone can add events to. You can get people to remember stuff better this way, and its accessible from anywhere, even (ahem) your handheld devices if that's what you're into. I added a bunch of stuff so you guys can see what it looks like. Please enjoy this wonderful addition to your social life.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

PS if you don't have a gmail account you can log in with
user: brohemia
pass: brodeo18

Everyone else just invite yourself.

no announcements

no pronouncements please, I'll keep the minutes! (with a shout)its 2:35am.
the shift is like late right- there was a cool lake- guilded and wholehulled
I saw three wasps shrouding a leaf....Icky and executed symmetrically
everything is written in the form of a text message. dogging me.
I love humid everythingelses and cold muddy feet...squishing it between my toes, and shoveling more in and maintaining a flat daze. very young, everything to feel, no language to lash it.- lensed all in blue...icky and executed symmetrically.

I am very close to a stupendous persuasion, and then think to a bbq Sunday.
look for a confirmation post (likely left over due to weather till next Sunday.)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Frisco Freakout!!

On October 11th there's going to be a huge benefit for Creativity Explored at the Parkside. Totally awesome psychedelic sludge rock party all day along with food and art. The ticket's 15 bones and all the proceeds go to the Creativity Explored art studios. Earthless will tear a hole in your brain! Be there!

Friday, September 26, 2008


Hey guys. I hate to monopolize this thing, but I'm in constant need of opinion and attention.
I'm going to give someone money for a bike that looks, performs, and is just as bitchin' as this.
She looks exactly like this, actually. What are your thoughts? I'm getting it for a steal, btw. The hook up, some call it. And if I get it tonight I can join a giant Creature rally on Sunday. Booyeah. A big ol' steamysexygassmell booyeah.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New Brahmin

I propose we induct Lance into our posse. And again, I'll have a manifesto soon enough.

tentative calendar

Tuesday, September 23- Finnegans Wake @ 703 Haight.

Wednesday, September 24- King Kahn @ Urban (free, early, 7p)

Thursday, September 25- Frida Kahlo @ SFMoMA (extended hrs, $3 admission)

Friday, September 26- Critical Mass @ downtown (meet at my work, 5:50p sharp!)

Saturday, September 27- Teenage Dance Craze @ Knockout ($2 cuhrazy cheap!)

Sunday, Septemer 28- Okay @ Hemlock

Monday, September 29- Bike Kitchen fundraiser @ el Rio

Tuesday, October 1- Finnegans Wake @ 703 Haight

Thursday, October 2- Matcha @ Asian Art Museum (Japanese tattoo!, $5)

Monday, October 6- Tune- up class @ Bike Kitchen ????? (registration req'd + $70/ 3 classes/ consecutive mondays in October)

Monday, September 22, 2008


This is my new favorite story to tell!


This weekend, MC and I were in Chicago riding bikes. I was on my fixed and he was rocking the Bianchi commuter, both of us in cleats. Just cruisin' around, you know?

We decide to make a stop; I hop off my bike and he pulls up next to me and starts to dismount, but for whatever reason his foot won't come out of the pedal and he starts to tip over... ope, oh! wow!!! and he grabs me - we both go down!!! Domino effect: his bike, him, me, my bike - BOOM, we fall down. Hilarious.


We're riding one of the main streets in downtown Chicago, and we're pressed up pretty close to a high curb. Kind of like riding down Market, you know? Sort of shitty streets, lots of traffic, really tall curbs, and not quite enough room for you and your bike. As we're moving along, I go to stop and put my right foot on the curb, but for whatever reason this time MY foot won't come out of the pedal! And so I literally just TIP OVER onto the sidewalk. And I'm laying there, still attached to both of the pedals, absolutely cracking up. McLean comes over and is laughing hysterically as well - and we suddenly realizes that there is a bus HONKING LOUDLY at me, because my wheels are still hanging a couple feet into the street and the bus can't get by. So I start to shimmy and slide, trying to pull my feet and my bike up onto the sidewalk, and finally the bus has enough room to get by. So it moves up a bit and pulls up to the curb and stops WITH THE BACK DOOR RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. AND THEN THE BACK DOOR OPENS, and people emerge, or rather - attempt to. No one can get out the door because I'm lying there on the sidewalk, right in front of it, still clipped into my bike. So I shimmy and shake again, scoot a bit over, and people step around me and the bus leaves.

Pretty good.

Anyway, the moral of the story is: riding bikes in Chicago RULES. It is the most incredibly flat place I've ever ridden. God's hand itself must have laid those streets with a level. You should probably go there and fall down for yourself, just to see what its about. Definitely recommend it.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

el Rio anyone?

The Bike Kitchen's having their 5 year anniversary at el Rio on the 29th. It's a fundraiser, 8 bucks and your in, but drinks are a buck. There's live music and it sounds like a rad time. Holla acha boy

It's pronounced "pə-rē'zhən lôn'drē"

Pon the replay


Friday, September 19, 2008


I figure it's about time I abuse this privilege, seeing as I've had access to this venue for at least a couple hours.

QUESTION OF THE DAY: fixed gear bici - clipless pedals, or not to clip?

I've been riding fixed for a couple weeks now, and I switched my clipless pedals over and have been riding in my cleats most every day. What are others' thoughts/preferences?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Party Tunes

I know this is kinda short notice but can everyone post their suggestions for hot dance tracks for tomorrow night (my birthday party), I'm trying to make it as unforgettable as I can. any sort of music is acceptable as long as you know you can get down to it. test out your ideas by trying to dance to them in the comfort of your own home. also, if you are reading this, you are invited. 1235 19th avenue X lincoln. Do it to it!

Steamroller Aftermath

Holla! Center for the Book is hosting a street fair this Saturday on De Haro between 16th n 17th. Local printmakers and bookbinders will be printing linocuts via a steamroller against the pavement.  It's from 12-5:00 with food and music. Although it's the aftermath of Rob's bday, I'm telling myself I'll go. Holla acha boy if you're up to it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Bienvenue a Brohemspace.

Party at 946 Haight on Saturday, I forgot to tell everyone. My roommate Fran is having a bday bash in conjunction with a few others. Themes: high school sports and pajamas. Byob or a few bucks for a keg. I'm planning on hanging for the early game.