I'm losing the ped. Officially. It's over. She wasn't terribly fun anyway (only kind of really fun). I just looked really, really cool in that giant fucking helmet and my fancy shoes. Man.
But hark the herald, angels be singin, pappas gettin a brand new bike! I'm thinking Scott or Bianchi from Pac Bicycle.

Any suggestions? Any thoughts? I'm looking for something lean and mean for fun up mountains, something super pretty to get all the babes, and something I can slap a rack and slightly bigger tires on and call a touring bike. I'm thinking a little fancy because I may have the skrill for it, and I may even keep the motobecane beater. I may even be capable of affording a fancy Bianchi.
I'd really appreciate any feedback. And fya'llsi, I lost my damned telephone again.
i like all of them.
The super sweet one has a pretty nice groupset.
Try them out.
You've gotta fit them well too, as well as looking the part of a badass!
send links to the other two.
i'll check em out.
word. ill lookn bikes brohem. I'm sure the dudes at Pac Bikes could set you up with exactly what you're looking for. they really know their stuff
Ok, here's a link for the Scott I test rode, fell in love with, and am probably going to sell my soul for:
But it's the 09', and I think a few of the components may be different, like a triple chainring and a Mavic wheelset. And it's about $200 less than advertised there. I think. Oh man, it was depressingly superior to the jalopy I threw together and currently ride. And excitingly so.
Rob, you were way right- the guys at Pac Bicycle were incredible.
go for what fits well.
Keep in mind what kind of wheels you get too.
they make a big difference.
have fun shopping!
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