....these dudes calves were as thick as my body. Those are my homies CReal and Kyle. We went down to Carson for the UCI Championships a few months back. It was 3 days long and ruled hard. All track bikes, 55 mph, and teams from all over the world. Most of the bikes were almost entirely composed of carbon fiber too, minus the handlebars and cranks. We saw a rider going full speed collide with another guy clipping in and the bikes shattered into a million pieces. Dudes on the French team didn't understand why we rode track bikes on the street, but they made sure we got tickets for all 3 days. Kyles riding for Broakland now. We should all go next year.
New Radio Show!
5 years ago
dang! don't crash with that wheel boy...owie! which one's are your boys? the ones in the hot red spandex or your standing with? I totally wanna go to that!
Creal n Kyle are in the center with me
This is excellent. I didn't even know 55mph was possible! I'm super down for the next.
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